Jim Loper
Elder, Senior Pastor
With over 40 years in the ministry, Pastor Loper has pastored, overseen, and fathered many churches and ministry leaders throughout the Texas Panhandle and beyond. He is a gifted teacher and lover of the Word of God, and his personal devotion to Scripture is seen in every sermon, exhortation, and prayer that he gives. He is truly a blessing to Cornerstone Church and all who have the privilege of sitting under his ministry.

David Heider
David Heider has been a faithful elder, pastor, and teacher for decades. His stable and systematic study of the Word assists him in imparting the foundational doctrines of Christ to new believers as well as seasoned disciples. His communication and wisdom in teaching only improves with time, and he is a well-loved and respected elder in the Body of Christ.

Isaac Garcia
Elder, Associate Pastor
Isaac Garcia is the secret weapon behind every helps ministry at Cornerstone Church. His oversight and leadership reach to every department and system. His diligence and skill in leadership make him beloved and valued by all who interact with him.

Debra Loper
Ministry Leader
There is no sweeter pastor’s wife than Debbie Loper. She leads with love and grace and is always available to serve. She assists in leading the daily prayer meetings at Cornerstone, and continually lifts up everyone around her. Her grace is matched by her power in the Spirit, and scores of people from all walks of life have been impacted by her humility and love.

Camille Garcia
Worship Leader, Children's Director
Camille Garcia loves every ministry of the church and imparts enthusiasm and joy to every department she touches. Her love for each individual member is seen in her interactions and leadership priorities. Her laughter and joy is truly a blessing to every member.

Caleb Arterburn
Caleb Arterburn is a faithful and beloved servant of Christ. He maintains the church building while witnessing and leading many people to the Lord. Caleb’s skills and service are beyond valuable, and he brings a great attitude and can-do-it positivity that uplift the entire church.